Creativity Tips from The Incubator – Free Gift


My Gift to you is a PDF with Creativity Tips from the Incubator, originally posted in my Facebook Group: The Incubator: A free creativity community.

Scroll down the page and ENTER YOUR EMAIL Below to receive the Creativity Tips download page.

Pause for a moment and answer this question: what do you want to create?

Are you a writer, painter, photographer, dancer, singer, chef, knitter, business owner, entrepreneur, parent, human being? You are a creative being!

From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, you are creating. All of your choices and decisions are birthed through creativity.

I am a writer and I’ve used the creativity tips for writing and all kinds of creative arts. Enjoy the adventure!


Creativity Tip #1: Create an environment and practice for writing and creativity.

Creativity Tip #2: Observe Your Environment

Creativity Tip # 3: Cultivate Dream Space.

Creativity Tip #4: Is it Writer’s Block or Writer’s Resistance: Part 1

Creativity Tip #5: Is it Writer’s Block or Writer’s Resistance: Part 2

Creativity Tip #6: Structure and Flow

Creativity Tip #7:

Creativity Tip #8

Creativity Tip #9

Creativity Tip #10

Creativity Tip #11

Creativity Tip #12

Bonus: A 25 minute Talk called “The Magic of Creativity: Trust the Process” with Andrea Hylen.

You will also receive a monthly creativity tip sent directly to your inbox for the next year.