Ancestral Lineage Healing

 Ancestral Lineage Healing is an intuitive, grounded 5-step process for lineage repair of your ancestors in spirit.

Focused on each of your four primary lines (grandparents).

Five Steps for each primary lineage:

Step One: Assessment of Wellness (one 90 minute session)

Step Two: Meet an Ancestor on one lineage (60 minute sessions)

Step Three: Blessings and Burdens – Healing Older Ancestors (60 minute sessions)

Step Four: Healing the Remembered Dead (60 minute sessions)

Step Five: Fanning of the Blessings to the Living (one 60 minute session)

Step One and Step Five are completed in one session. Steps Two, Three and Four may be completed in one or multiple sessions depending on wellness or unwellness of a line and depending on your relationship with the remembered dead – parents, grandparents, great-grandparents.)

Additional sessions include harmonization of well lines and thematic sessions.

Testimonial: This is incredibly powerful work! I highly recommend a series of sessions with Andrea Hylen. Even as a shamanic practitioner, focusing on ancestral work personally and professionally for many years, I found the depth of these ancestral lineage sessions to be highly transformative and integrative. So often we believe that our stuckness or ongoing struggles are ours alone, and yet there is a bigger piece going on connected to our lineages. This is essential life work, and Andrea guides it from a place of deep presence, heart-center and gentle kindness. ❤ ~Beth Shekinah

Ancestral Healing Practitioner Code of Ethics

Cost of sessions:

3 one-hour sessions for $325

6 one-hour sessions for $600

For a Free 30 minute Discovery Session, Low Income Sessions or Introductory Prices: