Conscious Self-Evolution: Activate Your Life Purpose

Conscious Self-Evolution: Activate your Life Purpose
#3 in a Series of 10
Code 6: Choose ideas which activate more of your life purpose, creativity, joy, and lovingness of others. ~Barbara Marx Hubbard, 52 Codes for Conscious Self-Evolution
Have you ever had a crazy idea? You know, the kind of idea that other people think is crazy even though there is something about this idea that makes perfect sense to you.
That’s how I felt when I had a flash of an idea to go to 45 Jonas Brothers concerts with my teenage daughter during the summer of 2009. Going to JB concerts in 2007 and 2008 started as a way to help my 14-year-old daughter reconnect with life after the death of her father. She met a community of teenagers online and heard about a free concert at the pier. Two years after he died, the first concert we attended was in Philadelphia.
We drove from Baltimore to Philly the night before so we could grab an early breakfast in the hotel lobby, go to the outdoor venue with folding chairs and snacks and sit in line with other devoted Jonas Brothers fans all day. This evolved to a concert at a theme park, a concert in North Carolina on the way home from a trip to Florida for Thanksgiving and a concert in a small indoor venue in Reading, Pennsylvania. Fifteen concerts during the summer of 2008 finished the year. Music and travel had helped both of us open our hearts to a new life and we were moving forward.
In last month’s issue, I highlighted “Code 3: Notice flashes of freedom and keep bringing your attention to them,” from Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Book: 52 codes for Conscious Self-Evolution. A flash can be an idea, an epiphany, an evolutionary impulse to change or claim something.
In 2009, I was selling my house in Maryland, and downsizing from eleven-rooms to a 10 x 10 storage unit. When the house sold, we planned to pack up a car and head to California. Not sure if it would be a final destination, we both agreed that we needed a fresh start. California is where we would begin.
During the process of selling my house, I had a flash of an idea to go to 45 Jonas Brothers concerts with my teenage daughter during the summer of 2009.
This flash of an idea made sense.
- I would have no mortgage for the summer.
- Hannah was homeschooled and could finish her studies on the road or take her GED.
- The words in Jonas Brothers music were all about going for your dream and turning your dreams into reality. Most of their music had been created with their father and uncle in the basement of their home. We were ready to dream and manifest a new life.
- We both had built connections and community on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.
- I was blogging and studying to be a coach. With a computer, a wifi hotspot and a phone, we could go anywhere.
“How do you know if an idea you hold is true or not?”
Some of the words Barbara Marx Hubbard used at this step are:
- Trust your intuitive knowing.
- Choose the thoughts you think.
- The Universe is responsive to requests.
- Metaphysical beliefs are becoming evolutionary choices in real time.
I had a buyer for my house. Concert tickets would be going on sale soon. We had mapped out the concert dates and locations all over the United States and Canada. I had even found a few bookstores where I could meet up with authors from a book I had midwifed in 2008 called, “Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman’s Guide to Life.”
Everything was coming together until the buyer lost her job of twenty-two years. The housing market and the job market were in crisis. Was this a sign that we weren’t meant to go?
A few tips at this stage of Conscious Self-evolution:
- Plant seeds by asking questions and waiting for answers to come.
- Tune in, listen, and trust the process.
- Stay grounded. Commit to a daily practice that cultivates listening to your inner voice, like meditation, walking in nature, journal writing, and chanting. Ideas may pop in while you are cooking, washing dishes, taking a shower or in your dreams.
- Connect with a trusted person, or group, who know and believe in you and your intuition.
- Does this crazy idea feel like the next step in your evolution even if you don’t know the outcome?
- Set Boundaries. Don’t explain your crazy idea to anyone, especially naysayers. (If you feel you must, then create a short answer. “We need a fresh start, and this is giving us time to figure out where we want to live.” If they persist say, “that’s all I know right now.”) Do not debate it or waste your precious life force energy on other people’s fears or limited thinking.
I bought a few concert tickets for Hannah where we had friends in Arizona, and New York. She was sixteen years old now and I knew she could fly by herself and enjoy a few concerts with friends, even if we couldn’t go to all 45 concerts.
Asking questions and listening, I knew there was something about this flash of an idea that was connected to breaking free. I had lost a brother, son, and husband, the trifecta of learning about how to grieve spread over my lifetime. Now it was time to consciously evolve my Evolutionary Woman self. I had no idea what that meant, or what it would look like. I could feel it in my heart and bones and that was enough to move forward.
A summer of 45 concerts began by committing to the first three concerts in Dallas, Texas, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Denver, Colorado.
And so, the adventure began.
Andrea Hylen: Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner. Author of Heal My Voice: An Evolutionary Woman’s Journey. Creator of The Incubator: On-line Co-working Space for Cultural Creatives. Developmental writing coach.