31 days of Writing and Restorative Practices

Closed for this year.

Next offering with a different topic in 2024


An online community program for women and men

with Andrea Hylen and Beth Shekinah Terrence


“If we surrendered to Earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke


During the 31 days, you will have an opportunity to:

  • Explore connecting with the land through daily journal writing reflections, stories and rituals.
  • Connect with yourself and community through practices and an online community.
  • Build your foundation for well-being and grounding through cultivating connection and grounding.
  • Explore your vision for the emergence of a new world filled with greater connection, resilience.


This 31-Day Program Includes:

  • 31-Days of reflections and questions for journal writing
  • Stories, rituals, and practices for cultivating connection
  • An online community of women and men journeying together to discover change in ourselves, our relationships, and our world.
  • Two Live Zoom Community Connection Circles
  • Facebook Group opens on July 13
“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together, all things connect.” ~Chief Seattle


We have been and continue to be living in incredibly challenging times. There is much uncertainty in the world and it’s taking its toll on all of us – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Many of us are being stretched to our limits or even beyond. We are being asked to give to our families, friends, in our work relationships and in our communities. Many of us are feeling a sense of depletion, loss of hope and many layers of grief that we cannot even yet understand.

We are between endings and beginnings. This can be a very unsettling place to be as our natural human tendency is to seek order, stability, and a sense of control over life and our experiences. In many ways, the universe is asking us to let go and step into a new way of being with ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Writing about and sharing your experience with the land helps bring an aliveness and rooted connection to the experience. It could be your favorite place to walk, the robin fledgling that fell out of the nest and survived, watching new, green pine cones growing on the Norway spruce, a yearning to move to a different location. Our experiences with nature can be a soothing balm, as well as an insightful teacher.


“Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” ~Rachel Carson


In many spiritual and healing traditions, meditation, mindfulness, and contemplation practices offer a vehicle for developing our foundation to respond rather than react, to go within and to open our hearts rather than shut ourselves down. We are one element in the world. Deepening our connection with the land is a bridge to the new world.


31 Days of Connecting to the Land is an invitation to build your own foundation through writing, restorative practices, and an online community of women and men journeying together to cultivate change in ourselves and our relationships. As we plant seeds and build a conscious relationship with the land, we grow and flourish, and this can be carried out into the world.

I hope you will join me!


Cost: $47.00 for 31-Day Program