Conscious Self-Evolution: Be Ready to Repattern
Conscious Self-Evolution: Be Ready to Repattern
#6 in a Series of 10
Code 21: Be ready to repattern at the next stage when the larger pattern is ready for you. ~Barbara Marx Hubbard, 52 Codes for Conscious Self-Evolution
In 1984, I was working at the University of Maryland as a research assistant in epidemiology. Two of the studies were focused on Aid to families with dependent children, and recent hip fractures of women who were over 65 years old. To collect the data, we had a crew of women who did in-person interviews in the homes of people who were selected for the studies. My job involved keeping track of the data when it arrived in the office. At the time, we used pencils, paper, and calculators. To double check the statistics, we would count and recount each week.
One day, I said to my boss, “I heard there is a computer down the hall with the capacity to calculate all kinds of information once we enter the data.” He encouraged me to sign up for computer classes and in 1985, when Paradox, a relational database management system was released, I was in the right place, at the right time, to take a class and begin playing with the numbers.
In 1986, a collaborator from Johns Hopkins University heard that I knew how to use Paradox. They were looking for a Project Manager for an amateur boxing study and they wanted to hire someone who had this software experience.
This is not a one-time event but a continuous process of unfolding toward life ever evolving. ~Barbara Marx Hubbard
Curiosity leads to knowledge and prepares you for the unexpected. Think about a time when you took a job or studied something by following your curiosity and interest. It wasn’t part of some grand plan. You followed an impulse, and unknowingly, it prepared you for a larger emerging pattern.
Barbara Marx Hubbard talked about evolution as a spiral and not a linear process. We have experiences within experiences within experiences. With each turn of the wheel, we are learning new things, and preparing to release something to step into a larger pattern. My curiosity about computers and learning Paradox, continued through different cycles of emerging larger patterns.
After 18 months of working with Paradox at Johns Hopkins University, I was recruited to be a computer software trainer at a pharmaceutical company where I received additional training on data bases, word processing and an All-in-One system. When I was laid off with most of our computer department, I found a consultant job to write a manual for Paradox and another consulting job with a company that was exploring the creation of a recreational database system for travel to different cities – an idea ahead of its time that failed because it was before we had phones with apps.
The job layoff began a preparation of learning how to work from home and manage my time, a skill that helped me homeschool my children, organize resources in community, and start an online business.
But wait! There’s more.
Let’s return to The Jonas Brothers, a story I have shared in several articles in this series.
Going to concerts with my youngest daughter began in 2007. We went to 45 concerts during the summer of 2009 and a total of 78 concerts between 2007 – 2010. People were naturally curious about why we were going to Jonas Brothers concerts and honestly, at a deeper level, so was I!
I can give you a list of reasons and why it made sense to follow this band all over the United States and Canada but that will distract us from a larger repatterning that was taking place. Let’s slow down and take a step back to look at the bigger picture of what was happening in 2007 – 2010.
It was social media.
In 2008, I signed up for Facebook, Twitter, my first Youtube channel and a virtual events platform called Ustream where I talked to listeners about Opening to Inspiration. My daughter and I were blogging and learning about technology. When my daughter posted Youtube video clips of the Jonas Brothers concerts, a marketing company for Hasbro toys saw them and paid her to shoot a few videos with teens playing with a toy called Bop-it, as they stood in line at Jonas Brothers concerts.
Learning how to use Paradox, training people to navigate computer software and engaging with social media through the Jonas Brothers experience led me to host 44 Blogtalk radio shows in 2010 and start Heal My Voice while designing a nine-month program to support women in healing trauma, loss and grief through writing, speaking and social media engagement.
Repatterning is something that can take years and decades or a flip of a switch – a book you read last week, an article you read this morning. It can be as simple as feeling an impulse to clean closets and basements and attics before knowing that you are going to get an amazing job offer that requires moving quickly.
A few reminders for this stage of Conscious Self-evolution:
- Curiosity leads the way.
- Let go of what no longer serves you.
- Don’t push the river, let the inspiration flow.
- Express yourself in new, dynamic ways.
- Record experiences in a journal and follow the journey.
If you missed the first five articles of this series, go to the archives.
Are you an Evolutionary Woman?
Code 3: Notice flashes of freedom and keep bringing your attention to them.
Code 6: Choose ideas which activate more of your life purpose, creativity, joy, and lovingness of others.
Code 7: Release Your Local Mind’s Constant Scanning for What Needs to Be Done.
Code 15: See Yourself as a Universal Presence, Manifesting in Physical Form
Andrea Hylen: Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner. Author of Heal My Voice: An Evolutionary Woman’s Journey. Creator of The Incubator: On-line Co-working Space for Cultural Creatives. Developmental writing coach.