30 days of writing: Setting Intentions for 2016

30 Day Writing Program~ Setting Intentions for 2016

A Heal My Voice Program (With Teleseminar Support) January 1-31, 2016

Leadership Team: Andrea Hylen and Beth Terrence

“In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link. “

~Carlos Castaneda


Joining a Heal My Voice program is a bit like embarking on a vision quest. It is a journey into the core of our being. In traditional cultures, this is done through time alone in nature; in Heal My Voice our vehicle is writing. The intention of the 30-Day Program: Setting Our Intentions for 2016 is to create a space for exploring writing as a vehicle for discovery and exploration transforming and healing.

During this time, you will have an opportunity to:

  • receive daily prompts for your writing for 30 days
  • connect with a community of authentic women and men on a journey of self-exploration
  • on-line community and community phone calls
  • discover and uncover new desires for 2016
  • explore your dreams, visions and ideas for 2016
  • release and alchemize old patterns into new action steps
  • connect with the Heal My Voice Community of International Writers


Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power.” ~Deepak Chopra

Screen shot 2012-04-06 at 7.40.51 PMThis 30-Day program with teleseminar support offers an opportunity to get to know yourself on a deeper level through the Heal My Voice process of Tuning In, Listening, Discovering and Exploring. As you take this time to reflect on your desires, words, and set intentions for the year, Heal My Voice facilitators Andrea Hylen and Beth Terrence will support you in uncovering and identifying experiences and stories that wish to be expressed through self-reflection, writing and community sharing. This program creates a container for you to go within, get to the deeper layers and gain insight into your life experiences and access the gifts that emerge as we shine a light on setting our intentions for 2016.


Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

This 30-Day Program includes:

  • Four Weekly Teleclasses with exploration and discussion on setting your intentions.
  • 30-Days of prompts to inspire and jumpstart your writing
  • A Secret Facebook Group for sharing and discussion.
  • One group for women.
  • BONUS CALL Audio: Tips on How to Write a Book (or E-book)

30 days of writing January

Four Teleseminars. All Teleseminars are recorded.

Time and Date to be determined.

Location: Accessible by Phone or Online Listening; Audio replay will be available


Cost: $97.00 for full 30-Day Program


Click on the BUY NOW Button to REGISTER for Program.

Payment automatically Registers Your Email Address.

Facebook Group Opens on December 29, 2015.

See you then!

30 day writing program


Then, there will be 3 LIVE teleseminars with information sharing, meditations and community sharing. The calls will be recorded and available to everyone who is registered for the 30 days of writing.

Teleclass One: Tuning In

Teleclass Two: Listening

Teleclass Three: Discovering

Teleclass Four: Exploring



Mark your calendars for LIVE listening. We will post the call info in the Secret FB group when it opens on December 29.

Andrea May 2015








Optional Level:

Would you benefit from some individual support around grief, loss and change?

Do you need some coaching on your writing or specific areas of your life?

Would you like to use this 30-Day Program to connect with soul purpose or life direction in a deeper way?

Sign up for the 30-Day Program plus

One Intensive Coaching Session on SKYPE or Phone with Beth and Andrea

Cost: $197.00


30 day writing and coaching

If you have questions or would like additional information, contact…