All of the programs listed below are delivered automatically via email. The first email will arrive within 24 hours followed by an email every week of the course length. The intention of each course is to provide a personal growth experience for you to explore and discover more about YOU! By weaving in stories, questions, meditations, quotes, resources each program will take walk with you down a path, going deeper, and deeper and deeper. You are in charge of how fast or how deep you want to go.
12 weeks of writing prompts, sacred writing space audios, quotes and inspiration. The inspiration for this course is from the book: The 12 Conditions of a Miracle by Todd Michael. Using the story of the Loaves and Fishes, Todd Michael re-translated the story and saw how Jesus, an Ascended Master Teacher, had painted a map for us to follow in cultivating miracle consciousness. 12 weeks of inspiration will be delivered to your inbox, one step at a time. Click on link for more information and registration.
(Program Update will be available on July 1, 2020.)
Sexuality, Power and Money
12 teleclass recordings and exercises exploring the connection between Sexuality, Power and Money. Available Now!
Clink on link for more information and registration.
More programs available in 2020
30 days of writing and 100 days of writing
Writing Prompts, Resources and Ignited Ideas for Alchemizing and Enriching your life.
Carving the Next Path
Discover Your True Potential
Eight Valuable Tips for Building an Innovative Business (and Life!)
An Eight Week Program about the inner work required to build an innovative business and life. Step One: Are you willing to go on the ride?
An Evolutionary Woman’s Journey
(Available January 1, 2020)
A 15 week program based on the book Heal My Voice: An Evolutionary Woman’s Journey by Andrea Hylen, Founder of Heal My Voice.
Fearless Voices of Courage
Empowered Voices of Awakening
Inspired Voices of Vision
Worthy Voices of Value
Harmonic Voices of Peace
Tender Voices of Love
Feminine Leadership Voices of Transformation
Liberated Voices of Freedom
Sensual Voices of Desire and Connection
Innovative Voices of Awakening a New World
Summer of 2009
An 8 week program based on the book about a summer of 45 Jonas Brothers concerts. 24,000 miles in 11 weeks. A quest with hurdles, pitfalls, shared resources, hope and surprises. The book will be released in June 2020. The program will be available in Summer of 2020. Sign up for the newsletter to stay up to date!