Diagnostic and Ritual Work

I offer diagnostic and ritual work that includes Curse unraveling, Soul Retrieval, and Additional Spirit practices as part of the ancestral practices I offer to clients.

In the beginning of my healing journey, after the death of my husband in 2005, I focused on working with clients to reclaim personal power that was tied up in a story of loss, trauma, and grief. I did that through writing and all kinds of creative arts in my organization Heal My Voice.

What I had experienced personally and seen in others was how ungrounded, helpless, isolated, and fragmented we are after experiences of trauma, loss and grief.

The Ancestral Lineage Healing programs with Daniel Foor and becoming an Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner led me to study with Shannon Willis where I learned psychopomp practices to continue to reclaim personal lost soul parts and unravel curses in my lineages.

Before booking a session, schedule a 30 minute free consultation to determine if I can be of service to you: https://calendly.com/ahylen/30min