Tag Archives: Great Wall of Vagina

Freedom: The Great Wall of Vagina

Day 39 of 100 days of Blogging


Have you ever seen The Great Wall of Vagina?


Screen Shot 2015-11-07 at 7.58.38 AMHere are a few words from the website:

“For many women their genital appearance is a source of anxiety and I was in a unique position to do something about that.”

The Great Wall of Vagina makes for fascinating and revealing viewing which is a far cry from pornography. It is not erotic art. It is not about titillation. McCartney has pulled off an amazing trick – to deliberately make the sexual nonsexual and take you much deeper. One is able to stare without shame but in wonder and amazement at this exposé of human variety.

“It’s time our society grew up around these issues and I’m certain that art has a role to play.”



As I have started practicing Orgasmic Meditation regularly again, I have found this renewed curiosity with my genitals. My latest reflections involved this:

I was just looking at my pussy in the mirror and doing a light trim on the pubic hair around my clitoris. Deciding what to do with pubic hair has been a journey since my first Introduction to Orgasmic Meditation class and I feel good about where I am with it right now. Anyway, I was looking at my pussy and wishing I had taken photos over the years.

What did it look like when I got my period at age 10?

What did it look like when I was in my first circle with a mirror and plastic speculum at the age of 21?

What did it look like when I got pregnant with my first child?

After each child (4 live births)?

After menopause?

Before my first OM?

An updated photo at each stage of my life. The same way I have a photo of my face.


I know that my pussy is different now since my first OM. My clitoris and hood are so much fuller and open. I just wish I had some photos. And I wish it seemed like a natural thing to do that instead of weird and shameful and something to hide.


I would love to hear your thoughts about your genitals. Your pussy. Your vagina. Your clitoris. (And men, if you want to post thoughts about your genitals, I would love to hear your voices, too.)




Andrea Hylen believes in the power of our voice to usher in a new world. She is the founder of Heal My Voice, an organization that inspires women and men to heal a story, reclaim personal power and step into greater leadership. Andrea discovered her unique gifts while parenting three daughters and learning to live life fully after the deaths of her brother, son and husband. In addition to serving as Heal My Voice’s Executive Director, Andrea is an Orgasmic Meditation Teacher and Sexuality Coach.

She is following her intuition as she collaborates with women and men in organizations and travels around the world speaking, teaching and leading workshops. Her passion is authentically living life and supporting others in doing the same. To connect with Andrea and learn about current projects go to: www.andreahylen.com and www.healmyvoice.org.