Writing Incubator – Writing Basics

Writing Basics Tips from Writers to Become a Better Writer, Staying on Track


Article Marketing Tips: 5 Ways to Avoid Getting Sidetracked While Writing

(On Article Marketing)

1 – Set some boundaries at home.

2 – If you can, go to a quiet, isolated place to write.

3 – Learn to write on the fly.

4 – Eliminate as many distractions as you can.

5 – Create a sound barrier.



Here’s How to Focus on Your Writing
Kellie McGann, Founder of Write a Better Book
Her list of five tips:
1. You need Paper
2. You need Time
3. You need Deadlines
4. You need a Pattern
5. You need a Place



Journaling Ideas That Will Make You a Better Writer


(Blogpost by Kelly Notaras)

“To show up every day to the page and pour our hearts into a lasting memory, that’s kind of like a personal prayer, isn’t it?” 

Journaling is a practice

Journaling births ideas and sparks creativity

Your journal is a place where you can break the rules and play.

 Journaling shows you how far you’ve come

By creating things with your hands, you are etching a deeper memory into your mind.

Five Journaling Ideas

  1. Idea Journal
  2. Dream Journal
  3. Writing Prompt Journal
  4. “Morning Pages” Journal
  5. Gratitude Journal


75 Prompts to Beat Writer’s Block

By Kelly Notaras


Why You Should Write What You Don’t Know 

Why You Should Write What You DON’T Know

Why You Shouldn’t Write What You Know

How to Write What You DON’T Know and Not Offend EVERYONE

1. Research

2. Experience it firsthand

3. Talk to people

How to Outwrite Your Inner Critic

(Article from The Write Practice)

What is Your Inner Critic?

How the Critic Shows Up and What You Can Do

The Function of the Inner Critic

A New Relationship

A Practice