Question 2: WomanTalk LIVE 5: What are you most conscious of today?

Day 5 of 100 Days of Blogging

A few months ago, I had the opportunity to answer 5 provocative questions asked by Ann Quasman host of WomanTalk Live Radio Show. 

The description of Ann’s radio shows on her website:

A More Conscious Conversation

We don’t know about you, but we’ve had enough of the fluff.
Enough of the kind of topics that only skim the surface of who we are as women.
We want to go deeper.
We want to talk about topics and issues that support and inspire us.
We want to have conversations that make a difference – in our own lives and in the lives of other women. Everywhere.
We want to get involved, and we want to evolve.
We want a more conscious conversation.
So, enough of the fluff. Let’s start talking.


The SECOND question Ann asked me:

What are you most conscious of today? 

My Answer:

FEAR and feeling unsafe that is present in ALL women. We fear criticism, humiliation, shame, rape, and violence. When we see a woman criticized, humiliated or hurt physically we shut down. We do not feel safe. We fear it could be our children or ourselves or our “sisters.” Women have stayed hidden, taken fewer risks and been afraid to ask for more. We have hidden our desires, our words, and feared ridicule when we share solutions to the problems around us. Sometimes it is subtle. We are inwardly paralyzed and it affects our Voice and taking action in the world.


How would you answer this question? What are you most conscious of today?

To read all 5 Questions and Answers, Click Here: WomanTalk LIVE

Here is a podcast from our conversation called The Empowered Voices Movement. WomanTalk Live: Click Here to Listen


Andrea Hylen is the Founder of Heal My Voice, a global community of Empowered voices. The mission is to empower women to heal a story in their lives, reclaim personal power and step into greater leadership at the dinner table, in their communities and in the world. Working with everyday extraordinary women, projects in 2013 include Voices of Peace, Voices of Love, and Voices of Feminine Leadership. Current pilot projects include working with women with the experience of prison: letter circles and opportunities to write their stories. Andrea is a speaker on Collaboration as a Business Model, Empowerment and Grief Transformation and the author of four books. She lives in Venice, California where she can be found regularly dancing on the beach.


  • Today I am conscious of shame pervading my relationships…with lovers, friends, family, employers, clients, myself. I’m overwhelmed with the awareness of how this learned behavior has colored my world. I’m reading Shame: Spiritual Suicide and I’m putting a lot together. Shame is not an emotion. Shame is a learned behavior. Pseudo-emotions form from it. I started watching, paying attention to myself and my interactions and the feelings in my body, looking for shame. WOW! I’m thinking that what has been termed “Shadow” is actually Shame. I’m taking actions for learning to love myself. Jacke

  • I see that, too, Jacke and so much of the shame IS based on our expectations and rules in society. I can so relate to this! Thanks for sharing.

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