Why am I doing this?
Today’s jonas watch is sponsored by Dramatic Adventure Theatre. www.dramaticadventure.com
June 21, 2009
So, why am I doing this?
I am going to be sharing more details in here over the next few days.
Today, why am I doing this?
I know that there are Moms and Dads out there who will understand the basic fundamental principle of what I am about to say. And there are adults and teens who can reflect on how they had parents or still have parents who did the same thing.
We do things because we love our kids so much and we want them to be happy.
We do things because we see a passion in our children and we want to ignite and fan the flame of desire and potential.
We do things because we want to be the best parents we can possibly be.
Let me give you a few examples:
Your child has a passion for gymnastics or soccer. You look for opportunities with classes and you learn everything you can about how to support this. The next thing you know, your car has boxes of snacks and water bottles and soccer balls and schedules and movies for the DVD player for the long drive to tournaments. You find ways to occupy your other kids, as you help the one who is ready. You watch the games and meets and know that you were never interested in this before and may not be interested in it in the future. But, for today. You find the joy in your child’s passion.
Your child loves books and writing. You begin with summer library programs. You set up a space in your home for them to play librarian. You always have books and writing materials. As they get older, you find a reporter from the local paper who will allow a middle or high schooler to follow them around for the day.
You put some of your own dreams on hold.
You go into debt.
You watch to see if your child still has the passion and you find a way to create an environment that keeps it alive.
Now, on to Woodland Hills Mall in Tulsa to meet with Eric Bailey from Tulsa World to do an interview.
Enjoy the adventure!
Yes, I understand exactly! My daughter and I are also enjoying the Jonas Brothers together… something I could not share with my mother when I was an early teen. This is so much fun, and I feel so blessed to have this relationship with my daughter. God Bless!