Self-Care: Come Down Pleasurably and Gently

Day 47 of 100 days of Blogging

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About six weeks ago, I made a commitment to host a few events and connect with people in person. Yesterday was the completion of the event that required the most energy and the most “holding of space.” Afterwards, I felt low, “in the down” is another term for it. I wasn’t depressed. Nothing was wrong. I was aware of the need to “come down pleasurably”, a term I learned in my practice of Orgasmic Meditation. Being gentle with myself. Feeling the feelings and having space for some gentle self-care.


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Today I am making space for:

A nap.

A walk in 68 degree weather today.

A hot cup of tea.

Quiet, gentle music.


An epsom salt bath.




When you need that space of rest, how do you come down pleasurably?



Photo from Andrea Hylen

Andrea Hylen at Agape in Los Angeles

Andrea Hylen believes in the power of our voice to usher in a new world. She is the founder of Heal My Voice, an organization that inspires women and men to heal a story, reclaim personal power and step into greater leadership. Andrea discovered her unique gifts while parenting three daughters and learning to live life fully after the deaths of her brother, son and husband. In addition to serving as Heal My Voice’s Executive Director, Andrea is an Orgasmic Meditation Teacher and Sexuality Coach.

She is following her intuition as she collaborates with women and men in organizations and travels around the world speaking, teaching and leading workshops. Her passion is authentically living life and supporting others in doing the same. To connect with Andrea and learn about current projects go to: and



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