When was the last time you took a leap in your life? Happy Independence Day!
Tricia Kramer, L.Ac.
Acupuncture Body+Mind+Spirit
National Board Certified
Baltimore, MD 21208
Media, PA 19063
by appointment
Thank you to Tricia Kramer for sponsoring the blog today
For more information on sponsoring the blog, go to www.livealifeworthcelebrating.com
Letter sent to Family and Friends on July 4, 2009
Hello everyone!
Hannah, my 16 year old daughter, and I are on a journey. Some of you know last summer, we traveled to 15 Jonas Brothers’ concerts and drove 10,000 miles. For both of us, it was a journey of healing and reconnecting to the world. Since my husband/her father died, we had both been isolating in many ways and this brought us into the world again. Both of us remembered things about ourselves that had been forgotten in the grief.
I discovered a passion for writing and am continuing to express myself in this medium. In Hannah, I began to see her ability to self-organize and respond to questions on her blog from girls all over the world. I also saw the talent she has with photography, film and editing.
When we returned home, more ideas continued to bubble until I realized that it was time to sell the house. In the journey of selling the house, Hannah and I decided to travel this summer and follow the Jonas Brothers and have an even deeper experience before moving to California for the next life adventure.
There was one hitch in the giddy-up, the contract on the house fell through right before the trip. The question was, “Do we go or do we stay?” It would have been easy to stay and to wait for a buyer. To stay in our comfort zone and feel safe in Baltimore. It would have been easy to see this as a “sign” to give up on our dream.
But, for anyone who knows me well, playing it safe would never have been an option. It was time to do the trust walk out in the world, especially when all of the doors had been opening for us in that direction for months.
I asked myself, “Do I stop trusting now because I don’t have all of the answers and because I don’t see all of the steps in front of me?” Or do I climb to the top of my three-story house and leap?
We decided to leap and go on this journey, opening to how far we could get.
I made a commitment to the first three Jonas Brothers concerts. Dallas, Tulsa and Denver. As soon as I made the commitment, I received an invitation to stay with two friends along the journey. A potluck/book discussion was created for me to speak in Arkansas about Creativity and the book Conscious Choices. In Tulsa, a reporter found us through his daughter and we were featured on the front page and the music section of Tulsa World, the city’s newspaper.
In three weeks, I have seen three stopping points and then something shifted with a place to stay, an unexpected check, the sale of some books. It looked like we were out of money in Denver, in Tacoma and in Vancouver. And here we are in Salt Lake City with enough funds for the next week that will bring us back to Baltimore before heading north to NYC and Boston.
The idea of asking for sponsors came to me when we were on the road about ten days ago. I created some website pages, sent an e-mail to a small group of women and then wasn’t sure how to proceed until yesterday.
It came to me to ask. Write this letter and send it to every person in my life who I have touched or who has touched me. The next idea was to create a family and friends special and ask for sponsors, support and adventurers to come along with me and sponsor the blog with money and resources.
My victory is your victory. My YES! to the Universe, is your YES! to the Universe. My adventure leads you to your adventure.
It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and risk everything. I am learning to relax more on this evolutionary edge and follow the ideas and the guidance. Every step leads me to the next step.
(This is funny. The ad on my Facebook page in this moment reads, “Be more than a Leader. Be an influential leader. Learn how to create solutions that make a difference!”)
This is what my daily life is right now. More than having fun at a concert, I am talking with people and encouraging them to reach farther for their dreams. I have made a big leap and I can see that it is in the small moments of this leap that I am having impact on the individuals I meet, my daughter and myself.
You can support this adventure in several ways:
1. Sponsor a blog. (Look at the note titled Sponsor Categories for Friends and Family)
a. List your family- The DaGrava family
b. List your business with .jpg logo and website
c. List a favorite charity- It could read something like, The Gardener-Rosemary family encourages you to support the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation www.komen.org
d. Congratulate a family member: The Brown family congratulates Luke on graduating from middle school!
e. Gather money with a group- sponsored by the soulvoyagers or volleyball team 22.
f. If you are an author, advertise your book or advertise a tele-class, workshop or retreat.
2. Buy some copies of Conscious Choices- the link is on my website-www.livealifeworthcelebrating.com
4. Connect us with gas cards, meal cards, free hotels and tickets to Jonas Brothers concerts. And other sponsors.
Our largest population is teenagers and their Moms. From our experience last summer, we have large numbers of teens during the summer and then there is an increase of Moms when I write articles in the fall and winter. The Moms read the blog from now until next summer.
The blogs and sponsors will be on-line until June 1, 2010.
Here are some of our numbers since June 22, 2009 (except for Hannah’s Youtube account which has been growing over the last year.)
Hannah’s blog- www.hannahhylen.blogspot.c
Her Youtube ranking one day was 6 (June 23, I think) and one day was 16 (June 21)- This is videos viewed in a single account in one day of ALL videos viewed on YouTube.
Hannah’s YouTube account- 5,529 subscribers and 128,067 channel views. One of her videos has 266,000 + hits from a week ago!
Jonas Watch Fans on Facebook 600+
If you feel a connection with this, read over the sponsor details in the next note, sign up and spread the word.
We are contacting media ourselves now and following the inspiration of how to live a life worth celebrating and share the adventure with you, too!
In gratitude,