Day 108: On the road-Spiritual Authors Part 8
Spiritual Authors: Part 8
This is the last blog in a series of 8. The five authors in this last blog were all people I connected with through the contest and Facebook. My body is energized from listening to the messages they are each bringing forth.
The Next Top Spiritual Author Contest has been a calling for 3000 people to share their gifts with the world. With this kind of passion and enthusiasm, imagine what we can do to heal, transform and create a shift in consciousness? Peace within creates peace on Earth.
Here are the authors:
36) Laura Cannon and Tim Mulosmanaj. Laura and Tim are a happily married couple who have committed themselves to helping other couples create connection, purpose and growth in their relationships. They are filled with joy, passion and laughter. I already feel that Laura is a soul sister. She is a member of On Purpose Networking in Baltimore, one of my favorite places on the planet. The name of their book is Creationships: Transform your romantic relationship into the ultimate tool for growth and fulfillment. Watch their video here:
37) Mahri Best. Mahri is a live-er of life. She has followed her inner guidance throughout her life to a variety of jobs and travel. After watching her video, I felt more connected to myself. She delivers a passion of beautiful words and a feeling of unlimited potential. I have so much I want to say here about her! I suggest you click on the link and read the description of her book. Her message carries a powerful energy of healing. Her book is called, “Soul Talking: Wisdom in Rhyme to make a difference through her words and music.”
38) Marguerite Piazza Bonnett. Marguerite’s life could easily be made into a Hallmark movie of the week. Her mother was a famous actress. Her father was a socialite who died when she was 7. And the stepfather spent all of their money while her mother was battling cancer. With all of that, Marguerite went on a path of discovering who she REALLY is! Now, she wants to help you do that, too. She radiates so much light. The name of her book is: 12 New Thought Steps: The Secret to Releasing Old Patterns And Creating a Life You Love Living. View the link to her video here:
39) Michelle Casto. At the bottom of Michelle’s bio is a quote by Osho, “A master cannot teach, but she can invite you.” This is the perfect description of Michelle. When I read her facebook page or the words on her author page, I feel invited into her space. She is a consciousness catalyst who ignites the inner fire of anyone who is willing and enters into her space. I would describe her as a spiritual mover and shaker! The name of her book is, “The Destiny Decision: Integrating Choice and Grace on your Sacred Path of Purpose”
40) Stuart Rosen. Stuart is an author, speaker and has hosted 3 radio shows, EnLighten Up, Manifesting the Positive, and Dare to Be Your Best. By watching his video, I know that the book he has written about a man who lost his job and is at a spiritual crossroads is going to be entertaining. Stuart is a cat lover. From the hairdresser cat, to the yoda cat, to all of the beautiful cat expressions in his video, he had me at, “So I was telling my hairdresser all about my new novel.” The name of his book is , “Dare to Be Your Best” Click on the link to watch his video
Enjoy the spiritual wisdom, and heart centered connection of the authors and Vote! Thanks so much.
My book is Open to Inspiration: The summer a woman discovered herself with a teenage daughter and the Jonas Brothers on a 10,000 mile road trip.
Top 250 authors go to Round 2.